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Type B Two Tier Calibration

In order to understand the application of Type-B network extraction, several steps will be discussed. The following steps will be shown: 1) a block diagram for the Type-B network, 2) a detailed signal flow model based on the block diagram, and 3) scattering parameters equations that can be derived based on the signal flow model. With the equations from the Type-B two tier calibration with Flex Standard network extraction, its application will be discussed and the measurements with ShockLineTM Compact USB VNA MS46122B will be verified. We will conclude with a comparison between in situ de-embedding ISD software from Ataitec and Type-B is examined.

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Improving High Frequency S-Parameter Measurements by Moving the VNA Port to the DUT
Improving High Frequency S-Parameter Measurements by Moving the VNA Port to the DUT

This application note discusses how to improve high frequency S-parameter measurements by moving the VNA po...

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WLAN Product Evaluation Guide: Product Certification
WLAN Product Evaluation Guide: Product Certification

This Wireless LAN Product Certification Guide is a comprehensive explanation for new designers of wireless ...