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Understanding In-Building Wireless: DAS to Small Cells

In this application note, we explored the concept of In-Building Wireless (IBW) systems and the different architectures used to provide indoor enhanced network coverage and capacity.

​ We discussed the three main architectures: Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), Distributed Radio Systems (DRS), and Distributed Small Cells (DSC). ​ Each architecture has its strengths and weaknesses, and the choice depends on coverage objectives, budget, venue size, and number of operators.

​Also highlighted are the advantages and disadvantages of different IBW solutions, such as passive DAS, active DAS, hybrid DAS, and digital DAS.

In-building wireless systems are crucial for providing reliable coverage and capacity inside buildings, especially in dense urban environments and venues with high user density.

​To ensure the optimum performance of your in-building wireless system, it is important to partner with a reliable test and measurement solutions provider.

Contact Anritsu today to learn more about their wide range of handheld test solutions for RF cable testing, optical cable testing, RF signal testing, and optical transport testing.

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