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Anritsu and Polar Instrument Solution for Delta-L 4.0 Measurement Based on Atlas SI Software with Anritsu 4-Port Benchtop VNAs

Delta-L is an algorithm developed by Intel for PCB manufacturers for verifying PCB design. The Vector Network Analyzer serves an important requirement for all PCB manufacturers in order to be compliant with Delta-L testing and satisfy the link budget for backplane design on the Intel servers. This paper provides a step-by-step guide to perform calibration and measurement to show a “pass” or “fail” result of the device under test.

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Anritsu Presents new Rubidium™ MG362x1A Series at IMS 2022
Anritsu Presents new Rubidium™ MG362x1A Series at IMS 2022

Rubidium is the lowest phase noise (-140 dBc/Hz at 10 GHz output at 10 kHz offset) signal generator which i...

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Offline Split 2x-Thru Touchstone File to Two 1x-Thru Using Equation Editor in ShockLine™ Vector Network Analyzer
Offline Split 2x-Thru Touchstone File to Two 1x-Thru Using Equation Editor in ShockLine™ Vector Network Analyzer

This application note shows how to extract 2x-thru to 1x-thru using the equation editor feature in offline ...


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