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5G|6G Device Characterization Made Easy

Characterizing high-frequency active or passive devices is extremely challenging especially now that more devices are in the D-band and above which are paving the path for future technologies like 6G and beyond.

This webinar will address these higher frequency devices and their advantages such as faster data rates as well as the challenges and solutions associated when the devices are on-wafer.

Previous Flipbook
Probe-Tip Power Calibrations with the Broadband ME7838 VNA Systems
Probe-Tip Power Calibrations with the Broadband ME7838 VNA Systems

This paper discusses methods for transferring the sensor-based calibration to the probe tip using user powe...

Next Flipbook
New VNA Technologies Enable Millimeter-Wave Broadband Testing
New VNA Technologies Enable Millimeter-Wave Broadband Testing

The demand for faster wired and wireless communication speeds, higher resolution automotive radar, and grea...


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