O/E Calibration Module MN4765B


The MN4765B is a characterized, unamplified photodiode module. It is used as an optical receiver with the Anritsu MS4640B Series VectorStar VNAs to perform highly accurate and stable optoelectronic measurements of both modulators (E/O) and photoreceivers (O/E).

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology derived characterization - Magnitude and phase characterization is obtained using a primary standard characterized by NIST and held in the Anritsu Calibration Lab. The magnitude and phase data is provided on a USB drive with the module
  • Temperature Stable - The MN4765B is thermally stabilized to eliminate drift in photodiode performance over temperature
  • Internal Biasing - Accurate bias voltage to the photodiode is maintained internally. An external, multi-country, AC adapter is included for easy operation
  • High Linearity - Linear operating range to +6 dBm for transfer function measurement uncertainties of <0.45 dB @ 50 GHz and <0.7 dB @ 70 GHz (typical specifications for MN4765B-0070)
  • High Responsivity - 0.7 A/W and 0.5 A/W (Typical specification for MN4765B-0070 and -0110 respectively)
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