In-Building Coverage Mapping Bundle - MS27101A

The In-Building Coverage Mapper Bundle MS27101A-IBCM is a fully integrated coverage mapping solution for both in-building and outdoor applications. The solution provides users with a complete coverage mapping solution that enables the verification of proper signal field strength across multiple frequencies in a single walk-through. Any signal from 9 kHz to 6 GHz can be scanned, including all public bands (all LTE bands), Wi-Fi, and NB-IoT, as well as public service bands (P25, DMR, LTE/FirstNet, UMTS/WCDMA, LMR channel). 

Read more in the Quick Fact Sheet for IBCM

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Field Master™ Pro Spectrum Analyzer MS2080A
Field Master™ Pro Spectrum Analyzer MS2080A

MS2080A offers a wide range of features to identify and locate the source.

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Isotropic EMF Probe 2000-1985-R
Isotropic EMF Probe 2000-1985-R

2000-1985-R isotropic EMF probe for measuring all EMF power within the 20MHz to 40GHz band


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