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PCIe Express in Modern Cars Benefits, Uses & Testing

The modern car contains many different types of sensors, cameras, and telecommunications all connected to Electronic Control Units (ECUs), Domain Control Units (DCUs), and Zonal Controllers. Zonal Architectures will lead to further consolidation of processing units, more use of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, scalable computational power, fast and reliable storage, and seamless redundancy; ultimately pointing towards more usage of PCI Express elements within the architecture.

The MP1900A is a powerful tool for verifying and analyzing Signal Integrity of high-speed designs, including PCIe interfaces. The MP1900A meets current and future needs for automotive communications with high bandwidth, high scalability, and low latency.

Learn more about the Signal Quality Analyzer-R MP1900A.

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400G Post FEC BER and Jitter Tolerance Test for Physical Layer Chip and Module Type
400G Post FEC BER and Jitter Tolerance Test for Physical Layer Chip and Module Type

High-speed and large-capacity transmission standards using PAM4 signaling, such as 400 GbE, stipulate the u...

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Two-part webinar, focusing on PCIe®  6.0, led by top application engineers from Anritsu and Tektronix
Two-part webinar, focusing on PCIe® 6.0, led by top application engineers from Anritsu and Tektronix

PAM4 BER & JTOL Test Solutions for PCIe 6 & Beyond with Anritsu