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Identifying and Locating Interference in Large Areas of Operation

RF spectrum is becoming increasingly crowded, making it difficult for devices to operate properly and increasing the difficulty of identifying and locating sources of interference. Interference sources are not limited to constant signals; they can be intermittent, making them even more difficult to track down. Sources can come from PIM, timing off, defects, illegal transmitters, etc. With so many variables, identifying and locating interference may sound like an impossible task, but it is possible with the right tools.

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Novel Measurement Techniques for Fundamental 6G Research Using Advanced Instrumentation
Novel Measurement Techniques for Fundamental 6G Research Using Advanced Instrumentation

Advanced 6G research topics like channel sounding, fundamental device characterization and modeling, wavegu...

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Evolution Towards Latest Wi-Fi7 Standard 802.11be and Its Application in IoT
Evolution Towards Latest Wi-Fi7 Standard 802.11be and Its Application in IoT

Overview of all Wi-Fi standards, focusing on adoption of 6GHz band in latest Wi-Fi6e standard and ongoing W...