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Loading Test Profiles on eSIM Devices - All You Need to Know with Anritsu

Loading test profiles onto eSIM devices is very different from plugging-in physical cards. The one-size-fits-all approach we were used to does not apply anymore. The loading of eSIM test profiles presents new obstacles and stumbling blocks since there are different scenarios that require specific solutions. If you do not anticipate this, e.g., by knowing which scenario applies to you, you risk making your workflow slow and inefficient. In this webinar, you will learn everything you need to know about loading test profiles onto eSIM devices, what to expect, and how to prepare. We have teamed up with the top experts from Anritsu to give you insight into the matter in the best way possible!

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to load test profiles onto your eSIM device
  • Why loading eSIM test profiles is relevant and for what use cases
  • The solutions for each of the 4 main scenarios
  • In what way GSMA SAS compliance makes a difference
  • The different types of test profiles
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