ORAN Testing Challenges & Solutions

Check out the RCR Wireless interview with Anritsu’s expert, Sundara Venkatesh (Venky), discussing the following questions:

  • Challenges to testing a true multi-vendor Open-RAN ecosystem
  • How does collaboration play a role within testing O-RAN
  • What role does automation play in testing O-RAN solutions
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5G FR1 and FR2 RF Protocol, Conformance and Carrier Acceptance Testing
5G FR1 and FR2 RF Protocol, Conformance and Carrier Acceptance Testing

In this video, PCTEST/Element shows their 5G FR1 and FR2 Protocol

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Anritsu Presents new Rubidium™ MG362x1A Series at IMS 2022
Anritsu Presents new Rubidium™ MG362x1A Series at IMS 2022

Rubidium is the lowest phase noise (-140 dBc/Hz at 10 GHz output at 10 kHz offset) signal generator which i...