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Combining On-Wafer VNA and Spectrum Analyzer Measurements

Performing on-wafer measurements presents a unique set of challenges.  Achieving accurate on-wafer measurements requires careful planning of installation, calibration, and measurement configuration. Often, multiple parameters must be included in the overall analysis. This application note describes how S-parameters and spectrum analysis can be monitored simultaneously from 70 kHz to 110 GHz using a combination of the VectorStar ME7838A broadband system, the Spectrum Master MS2760A ultraportable spectrum analyzer, and the Anritsu MN25110A W1 coaxial precision directional coupler. At the heart of the setup is the incorporation of the compact Anritsu non-linear transmission line (NLTL) mmWave modules and the Spectrum Master MS2760A ultraportable spectrum analyzer utilizing the same NLTL technology. This unique combination can be used to obtain accurate S-parameter and spectrum analysis measurements on-wafer with a single touchdown. Achieving these measurements on a single touchdown results in a significant reduction in test time without sacrifice in measurement performance, thereby greatly improving the potential for first turn design success and time to market. 

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The FEC Pattern Generation MU196020A-042 Quick Start Guide
The FEC Pattern Generation MU196020A-042 Quick Start Guide

FEC is a key technology for assuring the quality of large-capacity transmissions, such as 100 and 400 GbE.

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Spectrum Clearing and Geo-Locating Legacy Signals
Spectrum Clearing and Geo-Locating Legacy Signals

Anritsu’s Mobile InterferenceHunter MX280007A is a quick and reliable way to find multiple or single emitte...