V2X communications utilize RF (Radio Frequency) technology. This high-speed, high bandwidth medium allows a plethora of information to be shared between different devices (or nodes). While these transmissions could range from critical or simply informational, they still need to be received at the target device/location. As with many RF bands in the past, the V2X band has been “re-banded” multiple times resulting in other devices, which were transmitting legally, could now be in violation. Regardless of the intent of their transmission, they create interference and cause degradation of V2X connectivity. The type of interference generated will depend on the method of RF transmission.
For proper and reliable V2X connectivity, interference needs to be eliminated. While this may sound like a simple task, many wireless communication companies have found this to be challenging in certain environments. The key step is to ensure the RF spectrum is clear. Spectrum clearing typically uses an RF monitoring device like a Spectrum Analyzer to collect data over an extended period of time to detect any intermittent
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