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What is behind the drive towards Terahertz technology of 6G?

Discussion of Beyond 5G and 6G topics has started in the academic and research communities, and several research projects are now starting to address the future technology requirements. One part of this is the push to higher frequencies and the talk of “Terahertz Technology”.

This white paper will cover the technical reasons, and current limitations, behind this drive towards millimeter wave and now Terahertz technology for beyond 5G, and even 6G mobile networks.

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Changes in 5G UE Testing and OTA Emphasis due to mmWave
Changes in 5G UE Testing and OTA Emphasis due to mmWave

Ensuring 5G New Radio (NR) User Equipment (UE) operability as it is commercialized requires a greater empha...

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PCIe® 6.0 Testing for a New Generation
PCIe® 6.0 Testing for a New Generation

This paper outlines the enhanced PCIe 6.0 technologies, such as PAM4, Forward Error Correction (FEC) and li...