Leading Mobile Device Remanufacture and Repair Company Optimizes Operations Using Anritsu Custom Solution

A leading third-party reverse logistics company located in the Dallas-Fort Worth area required a robust and user-friendly RF test solution to efficiently handle the verification of 5G mobile devices amidst the complexities of varying device specifications. Seeking to optimize testing for LTE and 5G NSA FR1/FR2 environments within tight time constraints, the company turned to Anritsu for a custom solution. Anritsu’s integrated approach, featuring the Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A and the Radio Communication Analyzer MT8821C, coupled with its M4 custom automation tool, streamlined the testing process, enhancing productivity and flexibility while maintaining cost efficiency. This case study explores how Anritsu’s tailored solution not only met the immediate testing needs but also provided the scalability required to adapt to evolving market demands.

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Mobile Operator Improves Device Verification Process Using Anritsu Signal Monitoring Custom Solution
Mobile Operator Improves Device Verification Process Using Anritsu Signal Monitoring Custom Solution

Mobile Operator Improves Device Verification Process Using Anritsu Signal Monitoring Custom Solution

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Increasing Over-The-Air Testing Capabilities
Increasing Over-The-Air Testing Capabilities

Anritsu gave Taoglas the confidence to increase its OTA testing capabilities ensuring customers do not subm...