5G Solution Junkosha - High-Stability mmWave with VNA in OTA Test Environment

In the complex landscape of 5G technology, precise measurement and performance validation are paramount, especially with the increasing utilization of mmWave frequencies. Junkosha, a leader in the development of high-performance coaxial cables, has addressed the challenge of phase fluctuations in mmWave cables, which can significantly impact signal integrity. Using Anritsu's Vector Network Analyzer MS46122 Series, Junkosha demonstrates the superior phase stability of its cables, ensuring minimal amplitude errors during bending and stretching. This case study highlights Junkosha's innovative approach to maintaining signal consistency in OTA test environments, a critical factor for the reliable deployment of 5G technologies in various industries, including telecommunications and aerospace.

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Increasing Over-The-Air Testing Capabilities
Increasing Over-The-Air Testing Capabilities

Anritsu gave Taoglas the confidence to increase its OTA testing capabilities ensuring customers do not subm...

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5G Smart Surface Test Challenge met by ShockLine™ Modular 2-port VNA
5G Smart Surface Test Challenge met by ShockLine™ Modular 2-port VNA

Anritsu Custom Solutions team assisted a provider of HMI and Smart Surface solutions in identifying a robus...