Verifying C-V2X Signals Quality with RF Parametric Measurements

C-V2X enables vehicles to communicate with the world around them to increase safety and make self-driving a realistic possibility. Manufacturers must confirm their vehicles’ TCU can communicate with the objects that are sending and receiving these RF signals. For this reason, it is necessary to confirm the device under test has an acceptable RF signal quality, using RF Parametric  Measurements.

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Leading the Way to Autonomous & Cooperative Driving
Leading the Way to Autonomous & Cooperative Driving

This webinar looks at the present status of C-V2X, standards and future enhancements

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Simulate 5G TCU Drive Test using HILS with Anritsu MT8000A
Simulate 5G TCU Drive Test using HILS with Anritsu MT8000A

Using a HIL platform from dSPACE, together with the Anritsu MT8000A base station emulator, it is possible t...


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