Increasing Over-The-Air Testing Capabilities

Taoglas, a leading provider of advanced IoT components and custom antenna designs, faced challenges with the quality of connections during Over-The-Air (OTA) testing in their anechoic chambers, leading to extended testing durations and delays in customer programs. Recognizing the need for enhanced testing capabilities, Taoglas collaborated with Anritsu to integrate the MT8821C Radio Communication Analyzer. This solution not only emulates various cellular network technologies but also ensures a stable, reliable measurement process by accommodating changing pathloss characteristics during device testing. The improved setup provided by Anritsu allowed Taoglas to significantly reduce project timelines, streamline their testing processes, and expand their IoT service offerings, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and product reliability.

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Extended Reality Spreading in the Business Field
Extended Reality Spreading in the Business Field

The use cases of the Extended Reality/Cross Reality (XR) are expanding in business, including simulation, ...

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How Taoglas Engineers Test RF and Wireless Solutions with Anritsu Equipment
How Taoglas Engineers Test RF and Wireless Solutions with Anritsu Equipment

Interested to learn how the Taoglas engineering team designs and test products, to ensure they work the fir...


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