Cyber Security and Electronic Signals Intelligence

December 8, 2022 Megan Stamy

The digital connectivity that has created such strong global economic growth and technological capability has also created a very powerful strategic dilemma – the more data we generate, the more opportunities adversaries have to disrupt our economies and security. Consequently, Cyber Security has moved to the forefront of every organization, both public and private, in terms of operational, financial, and personnel safety and security. A key component of the ongoing effort to seek out and deter adversarial and disruptive activities comes in the form of RF signals, or Signals Intelligence. Signal detection, monitoring and recording for analysis are vital front-end functions, thus explaining the ongoing merger of cyber (software) and electronic signal sensing (hardware) throughout the nation’s defense and security infrastructure.

Anritsu provides RF test equipment designed to accurately assess and identify invasive or illegal activities attempting to penetrate cyber security defenses.

White paper: The Benefits of RF Testing for Mission-Critical IoT Designs


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